
November 24, 2021

PIANGO Values & Principles

PIANGO’s values are couched on the Pacific Development Effectiveness principles which emanated from a regional consultation convened by PIANGO with its NLUs. These include:

  1. People-centered, holistic, and sustainable development: Empowering people to improve their quality of life, to be free from violence, discrimination, and poverty, and to live with dignity. This includes community-oriented, integrated, bottom-up sustainable human development that upholds people’s dignity and recognizes them as partners, not victims, and which includes our healthy relationship with people and the whole of creation.
  2. Ownership: Development is grounded in the needs and issues of the people they are meant to benefit from for them to direct and have ownership of their development ensuring relevance and impact and accomplishment of their own development goals. Democratic participation that is culturally rooted and relevant at both macro and micro levels.
  3. Social justice and fairness: Promotion of equal opportunity. Equal and fair access to employment, health, education; equal distribution of wealth and Aid and equitable sharing of the benefits and power. Advocate for an enabling legal environment (independent judiciary) to administer justice for all.
  4. Mutual respect, diversity, and inclusiveness: inclusive representation of youth, women, disabled and marginalized groups in policy dialogue and high-level meetings. Embracing, appreciating, respecting, and nurturing cultural, religious, spiritual, gender diversity and fostering a culture of peace and security.
  5. Good governance, effective and accountable leadership: Visionary leadership with integrity, honesty, and truthfulness with strategic focus and plans ensuring accountability, transparency in financial management.


Context Relevant Implementation Mechanism

  1. Managing for results: Managing resources and improve decision-making for results. Monitoring and Evaluation to be done openly by CSOs with clear indicators and measures.


Critical Elements of an Enabling Environment for CSO effectiveness (guidelines for enabling conditions)

  1. Promote democratic practice: Engaging the public, decision-makers, and political leaders for the protection of freedom of expression through an independent media, and an enabling legal environment through an independent judiciary.
  2. CSO Collaboration and capacity-strengthening: the enhanced capacity of CSOs to effectively engage and effectively assess the situation of Aid, to avoid dependency, and be self-reliant. Promoting exchanges and cooperation between CSO actors, national platforms (NLUs) to build capacity.
  3. Open and sustained dialogue between CSOs and government: Recognising that governments and CSOs are mutually accountable for development results; there needs to be an enabling environment for government and CSO engagement. Creating essential linkages between public, private, and CSO sectors. Maintaining an interface and staying engaged with governments. Alignment and linking to national development plans and taking action on existing policy commitments made at national, regional, and international levels. CSOs exercise effective leadership to partner with governments on development policies, strategies, and coordination of development actions for sustainability and an exit strategy for Aid.
  4. Genuine and responsible partnerships with donors: Ensure meaningful, sustained, and long-term commitments and strengthening partnerships between donors, governments, and between CSOs.